
Janka is the most popular model of Papfalvy Harps. It is made with classical design. Janka is a lever harp made with the new Papfalvy mechanics, 35 strings and quandrangular body. It is also easily transportable due to its short stature and small weight.
The color of the instrument can be chosen, individual decoration can be requested!

Sára is made with modern design and has 35 strings. It is a lever harp made with the new Papfalvy mechanics and quandrangular body. It is also easily transportable due to its short stature and small weight.
The color of the instrument can be chosen, individual decoration can be requested!

Boglárka is a model with a more serious design and unique sound. Its structure and shape ensure a very comfortable play. It has 35 string and quadrangular body and made with the new Papfalvy mechanics.
The color of the instrument can be chosen, individual decoration can be requested!

Franciska is made with the same structure as the Boglárka type, the only difference between them is that Franciska has circular body. It has 35 string and made with the new Papfalvy mechanics.
The color of the instrument can be chosen, individual decoration can be requested!

An instrument treated with aqueous glaze, colorful, folk-style, simpler design. It has a turned post, non-veneered neck, pine body, supplied without case and cover.
It is a lever harp made with the latest development of Papfalvy mechanics, quadrangular body and 35 strings.
According to individua...